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Planning application submitted

Our planning application for the regeneration of Silverthorne Lane has now been submitted.

The planning application seeks full planning consent for Oasis Academy Temple Quarter – a much needed new secondary school for east central Bristol, 367 new homes (including affordable housing) alongside commercial and community employment space, and purpose-built student accommodation for up to 841 students. The application also seeks outline planning consent for a new commercial and academic employment facility to be delivered by the University of Bristol.

The plans include a comprehensive landscape strategy for the site, which will open up the canalside to the public for the first time at this location. Highways and access improvements are also improved, including new cycle and pedestrian links through the low-car development. There are the remains of a number of listed buildings on the site reflecting the area's industrial heritage. These will be retained and restored, as well as the iconic canal wall.

You can find out more about the various elements of the proposal by clicking on the below slideshow:

How can I find out more?

The planning application can be viewed in its entirety on Bristol City Council's website.

It is a complex application with a large number of documents and reports. A detailed overview of each element of the development is provided in individual “Design and Access Statements” for each element. These are recommended as a good source of further detailed information.

You can also visit the FAQs section of our website.